Monday, June 21, 2010

At USF they call me NAKALANZI (Leah)

Once a month the members of Uganda Schizophrenia Fellowship-Masaka Branch (USF) get together to have a meeting to discuss details of their group such as upcoming sensitizations rallies and ideas to increase knowledge about mental illness in their own and surrounding communities. This group is organized and facilitated by its members who all live in their own communities living with mental illness some of the members are also caretakers or family members of those living with mental illness. This group also offers support to one another and is a well established group that continues to do effective work in the community. I was present at the meeting and was made feel welcome, however had difficulty understanding what was being said as the meeting is conducted in Luganda. After the meeting was finished we all moved over to the training hall at the hospital. Douglas College funded a group lunch for over 60 people. I felt honored to be in the presence of this group. Myself and my three colleagues from Douglas College Adrianna, Mitra and Raman were invited as special guests at this lunch. We were warmly welcomed and enjoyed the songs and dance of some of the group members. This was the first time and had seen anyone sing or dance in Luganda and it was so wonderful, I really did feel like a special guest and will remember that welcome always. Some of the members shared poems about their experience with metal illness and how they are maintaining their healthy lifestyle. I was amazed by the confidence of these people to perform and share stories in front of a crowd of peers. I can see how it builds their confidence and I could feel a general sense of encouragement and empathy from those listening and watching these people.
Lunch was organized and served by the members of USF some people were organizing chairs and the space for people to sit, others then served the delicious meal we ate, while others distributed soda for everyone to drink. The meal was fantastic and it was my first time to try beef stew steamed in banana leaves, it was delicious. After lunch I was able to formally introduce myself to the members and explain why I was there and also introduce my colleagues. Since being in Uganda I have felt very welcome around new people I meet, as I looked into the crown of people I saw many smiles and ambitious curious eyes. It is truly fantastic to see so many people living healthy lives and working together to educate others and reduce the stigma of mental illness. This group is an inspiring group of people who have been either directly or indirectly affected by mental illness. They do this work on a voluntary basis as they feel passionate about what they are doing and want to help other people who are in similar situations. I hope they continue to do their good work as it is so valuable, if they had the funding they could do more outreach work. I can see how it can be frustrating for some of the members because they want to be involved with this group however many people are living far away from Masaka Regional Referral Hospital and it is very difficult for them to afford transport to and from such meetings.
Social interaction and mental development is crucial in ones recovery and maintenance of mental health. USF does the best they can do with the monies they receive however if they had more funding I know they would be able to do bigger and better things with the foundation they already have. It seems no matter were you are in Uganda or Canada money and funding is the common denominator on success for programs to run successfully and to also benefit people. However USF does great things for people living with mental illness and I feel fortunate to be learning from these people.
I am proud to say that I now have a Ugandan name which one of the members of USF gave to me. My name is Nakalanzi which means clan of the grasshopper. If you are from the clan of the grasshopper you do not eat grasshopper which by the way is a favorite snack here in Uganda. I promised I would never eat another grasshopper again and wear my name proud!!!! NAKALANZI!!!!

In Friendship

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